Friday, March 11, 2016

Central Pennsylvania Comic Con

Well this weekend was the first convention for us for the year of 2016.  Due to some scheduling conflicts this year, I was only able to go to the convention on Saturday, March 5th with all three of my kids by myself.  This year, the company decided to change venues, which off the bat I really thought would have been for the better, because the venue change was to the Old Main Building of the York County Fairgrounds.  Now this site is really large in comparison to last year, which was held at the conference center part of Wyndham Hotel next to the West Manchester Mall.  However, the downside with everything being spread out instead being compact in the conference center, there was no real map or arrows telling any of the patrons walking around where to go.

There was a nice listing of celebrities for this year's convention, but we were unable to really visit any of them because we lacked the knowledge of where they were going to be or when they were available for autographs/pictures.  The one person that we were able to come across for a short time, was the lovely Nichelle Nichols.  If you are unaware of who Nichelle Nichols is, she was Uhura from the original Star Trek TV series with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy.  Along with Nichelle Nichols came Billy West, Ming Chen, Mike Zapcic, and Steve Cardenas.

Billy West you may know from his work on the Ren & Stimpy show from the 80s and 90s, but more recently he was the voice for Philip J. Fry on the cartoon Futurama.

Ming Chen and Mike Zapcic are both from the current TV show on AMC called Comic Book Men, created by Kevin Smith.  They both also have a podcast on Kevin Smith's radio network called "I Sell Comics"

Steve Cardenas is most widely know by his portrayal of the Red Ninja Power Ranger, Rocky DeSantos.

Along with these celebrities came some local celebrities and guests of honor from the comic book, cosplay, and author categories.  This year they had artists Bob McLeod, Chris Campan, Dan Curto, Rusty Gilligan, Bryan J.L. Glass, Ken Hunt, Laura Inglis, Rafer Roberts, Anthony Spay.  Cosplay guests included Julie Millilo, Jennifer Rose, and Ruby Rinekso.

Generally speaking, this convention still has a way to go in their organization and sponsorships, but overall I give this convention a C rating since it is still in its infancy and their first year at this location.

Good Luck Next Year Central PA Comic Con. 

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